100 most influential photos

Tank Man After the Tienanmen massacre in China, a man with groceries stopped in front of a column of tanks and refused to move. The image impacted the world because it showed that even one passerby can instill change and make peace in a world of violence. I like the photo because of how powerful Read More…

Aaron Siskind

Aaron Siskind’s work is abstract and requires understanding of the inner drama of the photo to understand the outer workings. He achieves abstraction by making his art monochromatic and taking photos of seemingly mundane things like walls. Asymmetrical symmetry and color are important qualities of his work. I can use the same elements to achieve a Read More…

basic camera controls

Aperture is the size of the hole light passes through at the moment the photo is taken. Shutter is the curtain that stays open for a time that lets light pass through. ISO is the sensitivity to light of the camera’s image sensor. We use these things to adapt the camera for different environments and Read More…